𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗚𝗨𝗔𝗥𝗗™: mountain work in the canton of Vaud

The road between St Cergue and Nyon, called Route Blanche or Route de Nyon in the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland, is managed by the Vaud cantonal authorities. This mountain road with its sharp curves is very busy due to the border traffic between the French Jura and Switzerland at peak times. It culminates at the Givrine Pass at an altitude of 1232 m and has metal barriers made of profile A and, above all, of a special profile known as "SN barrier".   

The Canton's Roads and Mobility Service entrusted COLAS Suisse, our exclusive partner in the Region, with the securing of 12 sections of existing guardrails over more than 1,000 ml with our highly retro-reflective ULTRAGUARD™ coating, which provides increased visibility at night or in bad weather, thus reducing the risk of accidents.

ULTRAGUARD™ can be applied vertically to any type of restraint system thanks to the optimal combination of a water-based paint and highly retroreflective microbeads that allow you to see the contours of the road at night or in rainy weather, anticipate your reactions and therefore adapt your driving to significantly increase the level of safety on all roads. 

A worldwide innovation with many advantages: 

  • Effective: up to 3 times more retro-reflective than road markings
  • Environmentally friendly: solvent-free water-based paint and elimination of ambient light pollution
  • Durable: 10 year guarantee in terms of adhesion and effectiveness
  • Maintenance-free: the microbeads are self-washing with rain
  • No electricity or expensive technology
  • Durable: a truly effective and long-lasting investment

Thank you to

  • Quentin HIDALGO - Works Supervisor at COLAS Satigny for his confidence
  • the company Trafic Services, which provided customised and optimal marking to protect our team
  • Philippe Blind, our application manager, for the quality of his work and his enthusiasm
  • Azzedine Brahimi for his sublime images and video highlighting our work